Swimming pool thermal covers
Roll stations
Swimming Pool Thermal Covers
By far, the most popular choice of pool cover is the Thermal Pool Blanket given its ease of use and the fact that it can be easily fitted to any shape and size pool. The Thermal cover, available in Blue and Black, is not a safety cover but will raise the water temperature by 6 to 8 degrees Celsius and reduce evaporation by up to 90% – an important consideration in a country where water is a precious resource! An affordable and cost effective option, this cover also prevents dirt and leaves from entering the pool and will assist in retaining heat generated in cases of heated pools. Given the recent publicity and awareness on the need to

conserve energy, the cover will contribute to this cause as by keeping the pool clean and heat in, the pool heat pump and cleaning pumps can run for less time and thus save power and costs.
Pool Covers has had years of experience in ultra violet stabilizers our thermal pool covers are guaranteed for a year although with proper care, an imported material should last between three and seven years.
Starline Roldeck fully-automatic pool covers

Chic, stylish and push-of-a-button ease of use, Starline Roldeck fully-automatic pool covers are the Rolls Royce of pool covers. Suitable for all pool types and sizes, be it tiled, concrete or fibreglass. A Starline Roldeck system can be retrofitted but it is best placed in a pool designed to accommodate the cover from construction stage.
• Aesthetics: finishes off and accessorises the pool area to reflect the style of the entire home.
• Child safety / drowning prevention: the cover can carry weights of up to 50kg per metre2, providing a safe barrier across the water to safeguard children. Pets are also protected from pool-related accidents. Pool owners can add a stainless steel rail system that sits inside the pool water or a safety ledge around the pool which gives the ultimate peace of mind with regards to pool safety.
• Heating: improves the pool’s heat retention capacity.
• Winterize your pool: a good cover choice for hibernating a pool in winter or when not in use for long periods. Come spring, the pool is swim-ready with minimal effort required.
• Cleaner water: keeps the water significantly cleaner as dirt and debris are prevented from collecting in the pool, allowing one to maintain excellent water hygiene with little effort.
• Ease of use: modern convenience at the push of a button.
• The cover is made up of a series of slats which float unaided on the surface of the water. Upon opening or closing, these slats roll in and out over a stainless steel roller. The mechanics of this roller can be seamlessly incorporated into the pool and the controls linked to the home’s automation system.
• Options to retrofit for existing pool.
• Comes in a wide range of quality slats in various colours including green, white, grey and beige, allowing the cover to blend into the pool’s surrounds.
• Polycarbonate High Quality transparent slats will enhance the aesthetics of underwater pool lighting, for a chic outdoor entertainment area.
The Solid Safety Cover
is the single most effective physical barrier to prevent child drowning and to secure a pool, conforming to international safety standards as it supports the weight of two adults and a child. Importantly, there are no fiddly hooks and eyelets, making the cover quick and easy to use. Solid Safety Cover can also be used to reduce water, chemical and power usage, making it a great cover choice for the eco-friendly home too, as well as a way to winterize or shut down the pool in the off season.

• Simplicity of adesign and ease of use: supported across the pool by aluminium battens that are secured into the PVC cover, one end is anchored into place with removable anchor bolts. The opposite end has corresponding ratchets which allow the cover to be tightened. Two people are required to operate the cover.
• Tamper proof: the lockable strapping system makes it difficult for a small child to tamper with or attempt to release the cover.
• Drainage system: a common drawback with first generation PVC covers is that rain or sprinkler water can collect on top of a PVC pool cover, forming a small pool that curious toddlers may be tempted to play in. Our second generation PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover features drainage holes to eliminate these pools forming on top of the cover.
• Durable: made from 550-600 gsm PVC, aluminium battens and industrial strength stainless steel ratchets.
A variety of colours mean this cover can blend into the look and feel of the outdoor living area. Comes in Blue/Black, Black, Racing Green, Brown and StoneGrey.
Roll-up Stations
Neat, simple storage and roll-out A stylish and easy to use Rollup Station is suggested when a pool is longer than 7 metres in length

The Mercury Rollup Station is an excellent way to make a pool cover convenient to use and to ensure correct storage when the cover is off the pool, recommended for larger swimming pools, such as schools and gyms.
• Opens a large covered pool for swimming quickly and effortlessly.
• Ensures correct storage of a large cover when off the pool, to prevent premature ageing due to wear and tear, and extends lifespan.
• Reduces the amount of water lost due to run off when removing a large thermal cover.
• Made from coated galvanised steel and aluminium.
• Attachment kit and leading edge kit with reinforcing material on the pool cover ensure quality connections with the Rollup Station.
• Secured to paving by stainless steel anchor bolt and ground anchor.
• On castors/wheels for easy movement.
Jupiter roll station
Where pools are over 7 metres in length, a cover can require extra manpower to operate. The Jupiter Rollup Station for thermal covers adds convenience as well as a cover storage solution.
• Ease of use: makes the cover easy to place on and take off the pool.
• Storage: because the Rollup Station ensures correct storage, the cover’s lifespan is extended.
• Water savings: reduces the amount of water lost due to run off when removing a thermal cover.

• Made from aliminium and stainless steel
• Attachment kit and leading edge kit with reinforcing material on the pool cover ensure quality connections with the Rollup Station.
• Secured to paving by stainless steel anchor bolt and ground anchor.
• On castors/wheels for easy movement.
Custom Rollup Stations for Solid safety cover

Solar Solutions can provide a unique solution for your solar safety covers As per picture these rollup stations were secured into the wooden deck and wheels were placed down the sides to reduce friction. The customer is delighted as it provides absolute safety for children and is aesthetically charming too.